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 Advanced Yoga Studies program

Jen Eddins-March 13th-0135
Johnna Prayer Hands
Jen Eddins-March 13th-0134
Johnna Lifted Lotus
Johnna Eyes Closed Smiling
Johnna Pink Shirt
Johnna Natural Smile
Johnna Seated Twist


Our 200-hour Advanced Yoga Studies program provides an exploration into the practice and tradition of yoga. You will learn about the eight limbed path of yoga which offers guidance on how to live a meaningful and purposeful life. You will deepen your understanding of yourself, how you show up in the world and what your dharma is. 


Trainees are equipped with the information and tools necessary to become skillful and powerful yoga teachers. This training will teach you to lead yoga classes that are based on intuitive sequencing, alignment and breath while encouraging freedom, strength and fun on the mat. Graduates of our training program will take with them a comprehensive understanding of the practice of yoga as well as how to apply it to your daily life through both teaching and your relationship with self and others. 


Our training heavily emphasize real-world teaching skills such as advanced sequencing of a variety of class formats, hands-on assist training, effective cueing and functional anatomy. You will walk away from this program with the ability to sequence a yoga class from child’s pose to savasana, and confidently deliver it to others while standing in your personal power and speaking from your authentic voice. 


You are ready NOW to transform your practice and your life! Whether your goal is to grow your yoga practice, become a teacher or connect with yourself and others on a deeper level, our training program will help get you there! 

Program Format

Program Format

Start Date: 
March 1-3
March 15-17
March 29-31
April 12-14
April 25-28
May 10-12 

Friday: 4-8p
Saturday: 8-5p
Sunday: 8-5p



We are thrilled to offer the flexibility to attend the training weekends in-person or virtually through Zoom. You can opt to participate in our training in-studio or on livestream at home. You can also choose a hybrid route and do a mixture of both! We commit to making the livestream experience as inclusive and immersive as possible for virtual attendees. 


This also means you will have access to the recordings should you have to miss a portion of the real-time training or if you wish to go back and review information again.*


*Recordings will be available for 6 months after completion of the training.


Our advanced yoga studies program emphasizes an understanding of the eight limbs of yoga, focusing on asana practice, pranayama (breathing) techniques, meditation and the art of yogic living. We also believe in practice teaching early and often with additional requirements to assist in live classes at our studio. This allows trainees to feel confident in their skills to program and lead a yoga class upon graduation. 


Topics covered in our curriculum include​

  • Asana foundations and technique

  • Alignment principles

  • Anatomy and physiology of yoga

  • Ashtanga

  • Ayurveda

  • The business of yoga

  • Yoga ethics

  • Hands-on assists 

  • Yoga philosophy

  • The eight-limb path

  • Yoga sutras

  • Yoga history

  • Pranayama 

  • Yoga Nidra

  • Deep stretch and relaxation

  • Class sequencing for a variety of formats 

  • Voice and presence

  • Class messaging and theming

  • Giving and receiving feedback

  • Empowering students for success on the mat

  • Effective Cueing

  • Props and Modifications

  • Meditation Techniques

  • Sanskrit 101

  • And more!

Required Reading

Yoga Anatomy by Leslie Kaminoff

The Heart of Yoga by T.V. Desikachar

Light on Yoga by BKS Iyengar

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

The Yamas and The Niyamas by Deborah Adele 

Required Reading



Who should apply?

The biggest barrier that many potential trainees face is the “teacher” part of teacher training. This training is for those who want to teach AND those who want to learn more about yoga and deepen their personal practice. Yoga teacher training is about exploring both your yoga practice and your life. 


We will coach you on how to teach an intelligent and impactful yoga class in a way that is true to your personality and relationship to the practice. We are committed to your success and supporting your growth in any way that we can. 

What style of yoga will I be certified to teach?

Our methodology will prepare you to teach classes ranging from power to slow flow to restorative. Trainees will be exposed to a variety of class formats and will have the opportunity to choose how they’d like to serve through yoga for their final class presentations.


We are a Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga School and our curriculum meets the guidelines set forth by Yoga Alliance for 200-hour yoga teacher training. Upon the completion of your training, you can register with Yoga Alliance as a RYT-200. This designation will allow you to seek teaching positions at other studios, gyms and anywhere else offering yoga classes.

How to Prepare for training:

You can best prepare for training by purchasing the required books and getting a start on becoming familiar with them. It’s also advised that you regularly attend yoga classes. It’s important to note that there is no set level of “skill” required to enroll in yoga teacher training so don’t stress about what you can and can’t do from a physical practice standpoint. 

Prior to the start of training you will receive a full onboarding email with all of the important information you need to know about training, as well as the full reading schedule. 

Registration, Tuition & Payment Plans

Tuition Pricing Options

  • Full Price: $3,300

    • $500 non refundable deposit (counts towards tuition)

    • Flexible payment plans available

  • Early Sign Up Price: $3,000

    • $500 nonrefundable deposit (counts towards tuition)

    • Flexible payment plans available (or not)

    • Must sign up with paid deposit 

Registration & Info

Advanced Yoga Studies Lead Teachers

Lead Teachers

      Johnna Smith


Johnna Smith teaches locally in Charlotte, NC and internationally, connecting people to the powerful and sweet teachings of Yoga. “Our divine birthright is Joy.” She roots this ancient message within her daily Mysore classes, workshops, master classes and co-lead advanced yoga studies.


Years of panic attacks and an inner searching for something led Johnna to the yoga mat. Beginning in 1995, with Ashtanga Yoga practices, she found more joy and less fear.


In 2001 Johnna realized that in this lifetime she wanted to wake up to her true purpose: sharing yoga. Which requires a teacher. She began her lifelong studies of Para Yoga with Tantra Vidya Guru YogaRupa Rod Stryker and is a Level 1  Certified ParaYoga® Instructor . Devoted to yoga’s deeper teachings she, in 2004, began regularly traveling to Mysore, India studying with Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and later Sri R. Sharath Jois. In 2016 Sri Sharath blessed her with Authorization Level 2. She is also a Certified Baptiste Teacher®.


Johnna wishes to share the teachings of yoga in a way that inspires people to develop a passion and love for the practice. She incorporates asana, philosophy of yoga, devotional songs and meditations, so that the deeper aspects of the yoga tradition can connect us and bring us closer together.


Her mission is to awaken the world to the yogic teachings, to awaken each dormant heart, and inspire. “Connect to that untapped source deep within, find your fire and follow your heart. Be led to a life of joy and fulfillment.”


She humbly bows to her teachers: Sri YogaRupa, Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, Sri R. Sharath Jois. “I feel so blessed to have these teachings in this lifetime, thank you.”

Johnna Smith
Jen Eddins

Jen Eddins

A 13 year veteran of the fitness industry, Jen Eddins is an E-RYT, Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider, personal trainer, group exercise instructor, health and fitness blogger and published author.


Jen's yoga journey began in 2009 when she started taking classes to help with the running injuries she was experiencing. She quickly fell in love with the power vinyasa style of yoga and found herself wanting to be on the mat as much as on the road. Jen enrolled in yoga teacher training and obtained her certification at Y2 Yoga in 2011. She discovered a deep love for sharing yoga with others and now has over 6,000 hours of teaching experience leading classes, workshops and teacher trainings. 


A skilled writer, Jen shares daily updates about food, fitness, yoga and life on her blog Peanut Butter Runner. She is the author of two books, Ultimate Plank Fitness and The Complete Guide to Yoga Inversions. 


Jen’s yoga practice of choice is power flow with roots in Ashtanga yoga. She is passionate about intelligent and creative sequencing, safe but free movement and empowering her students around their physical and emotional strength. Jen teaches a strong power flow with fun music and lots of hands-on assists. All classes feature modifications, amplifications and variations to make the practice accessible for students of all levels.  

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